Never Boring Stuffing…

I believe I’ve mentioned a couple times how much I like stuffing meat… Today I wanted to share with you recipe that has neverending possibility to evolve in texture and flavour. And it was my first stuffed meat dish I prepared out of sheer boredom of eating cutlets and meatballs with the Mullen Household Salad 0_o.
Definitely it was Sunday, cos the meal needs some work, and I don’t work hard on meals on workdays, I simply don’t feel like it 0_o I had a slab of turkey breast and really didn’t have a freaking clue what to do… Almost started crying on the thought of another cutlet/schnitzel meal.
I was trying to figure out what to make, took a bottle of wine out and thought if it won’t help at least I can get drunk 0_o But actually in the middle of the first glass I got enlightened… I started reminiscencing about past meals my Mom and Granny cooked for us… I remembered Granny’s pork rolls stuffed with bacon and sour cucumber and thought why not stuff my turkey with something. Weeee, even found small spits to make sure the rolls won’t fall apart.
But now what to stuff it with hmmmz thats a tough question… I rummaged the fridge and come out with mushrooms and cheese, weeeee we will have mushroom and cheese stuffed turkey rolls 😉