Something easy to pack to work part 1.
Since I met Cookies, he is making my lunch for work (which I appreciate very much). Without him doing it, I would have to get up another 10-15 min earlier… which means around 4:30am 0_o. Yes I willingly moved my working hours to 6:30-2:30pm. Yes, I’m crazy 😉 but I’m home faster, no traffic and no rush hour crowd, which I believe is worth getting up couple minutes earlier… You don’t want to be in the Radom train in the morning, day or evening… So, back to Cookies and my lunch… sometimes I try to make it easier for him and prepare myself some salad the day before that lasts usually 2 days. One of my favorites is Crab Stick Salad that I ate at my colleague Anna’s party. I don’t think it can be easier than that 😉 hehehe and it makes quite a nice amount of healthy carbs, protein and some greens too. It’s only 4 ingredients, if you cook the rice nicely salted you don’t even need salt or pepper to spice the salad.