Pork Pork Pork
A long time ago, before I was even thinking to start blogging Cookies was making me to coat every possible meat or not (see: soy cutlets) in oatmeal bran. Believe me, after some time it’s getting old. Though not to Mr Cookies 0_o. I think I could coat anything in the oatmeal bran and he would munch on it happily… if you know what I mean 0_o. So, I couldn’t stand oatmeal bran coating after the years and I was desperately looking for a solution. Then some small article about the 10 easiest dinners or cheapest or whatever popped up on the front page of onet.pl. There was plenty of junk (as usual) but this one recipe caught my attention. I was quite sure that Cookies would kiss my candy ass for preparing it for him. And IT WASN’T “TAKE THE CHIX OUT, BABES!” So at the first possibility I ran to the store and bought pork loin and cheddar cheese – no, not the yard store Cookies! (I believe soon I won’t be allowed into the yard store, like I’m not allowed into Delikatesy w Marsie 0_o). So there it goes CHEDDAR COATED PORK CUTLETS (yes, I know it’s chops, but the word cutlets annoys Cookies, so it stays that way :P).