Feast survival snack

Feast survival snack

99 smoked chicken mango salad

How was your Christmas? Did you traditionally over ate Mom’s prepared goodies? There is nothing better than my Mom’s pierogi with sour kraut and wild mushrooms… Though this year I can proudly state: I didn’t overeat… probably only cos I caught some nasty virus on Xmas Eve… Actually Cookies job – he was sick for previous week and this got him out safely from celebrating what he loves to call “Evil Xmas…”  Anyhow, I haven't been cooking much lately, mostly baking – as I learned a recipe for the perfect banana bread and after the 5th time I can call myself officially the “Banana Bread Goddess” and I also, created a new recipe for little cheesecakes and yeah, I mastered the muffins recipe… Jeez Louise! It sounds like I was bunkered in the kitchen! Thankfully it was fun 😉 And I invented today, quite nice recipe for a weird 2 layer cheesecake… Will share next time when I will perfect it.

Today I want to share simple recipe for tasty light after feast snack – the next day like – I’m guilty of eating 43 pierogies and whole turkey leg 0_o. It will be Cookies Nemezis – evil SAAAAALAD.

Very easy – as usual – very tasty – as usual – very light – as most of the time 😀


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